Thursday, April 22, 2010

Summer Time Memories

I cannot believe how cold it has been here! A storm front has come through and I definitely can feel it. Yesterday, it was freezing!! Today is a little better, but still cold. There is even more snow on the mountains. Spring time is the best time here in the desert! I am lucky to be getting out of here before the 110+ degree hits this summer. I remember it being so hot the first summer I was here. Our apartment didn't have an air conditioner, it had a swamp cooler. NOT GOOD! And that my friends is why I have been sporting the short haircut since then. One month of long, sweaty hair is enough for me! I remember the summer Robert came home from Iraq. I was starting my last month of pregnancy. It was SOOOO hot that August day. I remember sitting in this big tent (outside!) with a fan (that I had stolen from some little kid) that sprayed water on your face. Needless to say I was a hot mess! Those buses couldn't have pulled up any faster! Being pregnant in the summer is bad enough, but being pregnant in the summer with 110 degree heat is worse!

So glad that is a memory! :)

Anywho, I scheduled our final inspection for the 28th! That is only 6 days from now! I guess I am still in shock. We have been out here on and off for 4 years now. And it is true why they call this place "29 Stumps". There is nothing here. The days of driving 30 minutes to Wal-Mart and over an hour to go eat a decent restaurant will soon be behind us.

I didn't make my pasta last night, so we are making that tonight. Instead we had KFC and tried one of their new double down sandwhiches. Not bad! When I got it, it looked smaller than what I thought. But once you start eating it, it's like "WHOA, I am full!" I have always liked more chicken than I do bread, so it worked out for me great.

I rented this movie for tonight.

I can't wait to watch it!!

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