If he weren't my child, I probably would have given the mother the evil eye.
Today we went to Fayetteville to get groceries (since my parents have the bare mininum... you know, blue cheese, peaches, and cranberry drinks) and we met my sister, Brittany and cousin, Jaime Nicole for lunch at my favorite, Rick's Bakery! I had one of their yummy chicken berry salads. And then had a bite of chocolate pie for dessert! Did you know that they give you a free dessert during lunch? Yep, makes me love them even more! ;)
Then we had to do our grocery shopping. That is always a chore. Especially when you have a 3 year old and a 1 year old who hates sitting in the cart. Didn't help that I went right during Brycen's nap! Who does that??? Apparently this mom!
Hope everyone has a great weekend! I am going to spend some much needed time with my family! :)
OMG i so have so much respect for moms on planes now that i have a kid. I love Thompson's comment! LOL!