Oh my goodness! In less than 2 months we will be celebrating your 1st birthday! Wow! It feels like yesterday you came into this world. Hard to believe it was 10 months ago...
Your Stats:
You weigh 20 pounds and are 29.5 inches tall. Still haven't had your 9 month check up (thanks to the wonderful Naval Hospital!).
You wear a size 3 shoe and wear mostly 12 months clothing. Your jeans usually run 12-18 months for length. You are a TALL boy!
You are eating about 4-5, 7-8 ounce bottles a day. You are also eating about 2-4 jars of baby food today. You love the turkey and rice dinners and probably could eat those every night! You also loved smashed bananas and puffs! You have been wanting to try whatever we are eating. Yesterday you got into your brother's biscuit and chocolate gravy. You loved it! :)
You are still sleeping 12 hours at night and take a good, long nap everyday. You sometimes take a morning nap depending on the time you got up. Sometimes it's just easier to lay you and your brother down at the same time for one big nap.
Today you made your first outing to the pumpkin patch. Also this month, you had your Nana, Papa, and Aunt Brittany come visit. They loved on you and spoiled you to say the least!
You are a smart boy! You already know how to get an attitude, throw a fit, and butter us up. You might possibly be Ham #2 in the family.
Brycen, you are my sweet boy and I love you so much!!
5 days ago
Happy Birthday! Can't wait to hold you again!