Saturday, September 11, 2010

Robert's Birthday, 9/11, and OREO Cake!

Today is Robert's birthday! He has been dealing with a sinus infection all week and just wasn't in the best mood. We enjoyed the day watching football, opening the presents the boys got him, and eating a cake that I made. (I will elaborate on that last one in a minute!)

He turned 27 today. I still remember him being like 14. haha! It is hard to believe that I will be turning 25 next month. Gosh! Where does the time go???

Brycen also turned 9 months today! I will do his post tomorrow. Today is also the 9-year anniversary of 9/11. Still hard to believe. I was in the 10th grade, 1st period Ms.Shinn's English class. I remember her running to turn the tv on and just sitting there in disbelief. We also witnessed the 2nd tower being hit. It was like a movie-- just hard to believe it was real life. I remember just having this numb feeling over me. Afraid of what was about to happen to us all. I never imagined that one day I would be married to a Marine who would eventually be fighting for our freedom. This morning, I got up early to get Robert's presents ready and I was sitting on my couch just finishing his card. Then I heard over the base intercom the announcement that at 8:47 Taps would be played. It was definitely a quiet moment. I just sat there thinking about the families whose lives were changed at that exact moment 9 years ago. I thought about the men and women who have went on to continue the fight against terrorism. I prayed for the safety of those still fighting today.

Today has been a good day-- a day of reflection, a day of thanks.


For Robert's birthday I made him an oreo cake. The recipe is originally from a Pampered Chef cookbook, but I found mine on Superchikk's blog.

Here are my pictures of my cake. I used an angel food pan because I didn't have a bundt pan.

It was so yummy! Especially with a big glass of milk!

Hope you all have a great Sunday!


  1. Why aren't we neighbors anymore?? I need all the sweet things you bake. Like those gynormous chocolate chip cookies! I miss your food...i meant i miss u! ;)
