Last week my neighbor, Nikki, asked if I would be interested in learning how to knit. I honestly hadn't ever had any interest in it, but thought "Hey, why not?!". So today, she and I went to a class where this sweet lady taught us the basic knitting techniques. Let me tell you... it is A LOT harder than what I ever thought! But I am one of those people who love to learn new things, especially if it is challenging! So I am anxious to learn more next week. Finding time to work on it will be the hard part...
While we were at the class, the kids were in their own class. We are so lucky to have our community center just a mile from the house. So we walked down there and the kids went to a playgroup. They had playmats and toys and I am pretty sure by the way Thompson threw a fit when we left that he loved it! The playgroup is called "Pray and Play", they listen to children's christian music. The women that run it were so sweet, too! Can't wait for next Tuesday!! And it's great that I am just in a room next door to them. That was nice that I didn't have to worry too much.
Today, I think we are planning on heading to the beach. The breeze is blowing so I am hoping it won't be too chilly. Then tonight, I think we are going to go to the farmer's market street fair. During the day is when they have all of their vendors there selling vegetables, fruits, foods, flowers, etc. Then at night they close down the streets and have live music, things for the kids to do (pony rides, jump houses, etc.), and of course lots of food! I think it will be fun! I will try to remember the camera and hopefully get some pictures!!
Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!!!
5 days ago
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