Like father, like son! :)
The Palm Springs Strip
My dinner... Mmmm...
And Robert's
This is the way we felt afterwards....
Until we saw Coldstone!!!
Last night, we had the joy of celebrating one last time with our friends, Stephanie and Tony. As I have mentioned before, they are getting out of the Marine Corps and returning to Iowa. They are expecting a child in August, and it makes me sad that I won't be there to see this little baby when he/she is born. And in the Marine Corps, you make friends knowing that in a few years you probably won't have the chance of seeing them again. This job moves you whereever and whenever need be. I have made a few lifelong friends. Some that I know I will keep up with over the years, and hopefully be able to visit one day. But it still makes me sad. These are the women that you rely on more than anything. They understand everything that you are going throught because they are living this life too. They are the ones that keep your sanity when your husband is in a war zone. They are the ones that together you learn how to live in the crazy life. They are the ones that help you grow as a person.
Stephanie and I
Christina and I
Me, Christina, Steph, Leah, and Beth
Thompson's favorite, Mrs. Christina!
The guys playing the Wii
So how do you say goodbye to someone knowing that things will never be the same?
And so this question got me thinking...
If you would have asked me 5 years ago how my life would be, I would have never pictured this in a million years. I remember when the war was starting and I would see pictures and videos on tv and just feel an overwhelming sadness for the families of the military. I couldn't even envision myself in their position. So never did I think I would become one of them. But it really has changed me. I never thought I would leave Arkansas. I never thought I would leave my parents. I never thought I would leave my sisters. I never thought I would leave friends. But isn't that what life is preparing us to do? Leave? One day, we are all going to leave and not have the joy of stepping on airplane for a short ride home to see mom and dad. And it just hurts sometimes to think that one day Thompson is going to be leaving me. (Hopefully to go to Medical School:) ) But one day he will leave. And how do you deal with it? It breaks my heart everytime I drive away from my parents knowing that I don't know when I will be back. And each time I go, is just as hard as before. It never gets eaiser. Things happen so fast. I can't imagine the pain they felt seeing their daughter drive off to California to start this life she knew nothing about. But they trusted me, and they loved me. And they knew that I had to go. So, everyday we are faced with leaving in some way. Whether it be your spouse walking out the door going to work, your child leaving for college, seeing your dear friends leave to start their own lives, or saying goodbye to a loved one that we know we will see again someday.
Just be prepared, life never turns out the way you have planned and eventually, you will have to say goodbye.
Thats our favorite mexican place too! We ate there on Saturday too funny!! Love that pic of Christina and Thompson!!!